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by ashish on

yes, i got a burnout -- yet again.. at this point i should already have been used to it but i'm not. these past few weeks, i have been coding a lot, like seriously a lot (the urge to use caps here), the last time i was coding this much on average was back in april-may 2022. according to wakatime these past 7 days i have coded for 30hrs with a daily average of more than 4 hours (it's usually around 2hrs).

burnout sucks. it sucks even more when you have a new project in mind and your mind goes like "wtf is this? wtf are you doing? just throw away the laptop already". no, i didn't throw my laptop, instead i closed it and then tried resting for a bit but it's not like i'm used to sleeping at 11am so i decided to study - and surprisingly enough, i had more motivation to study (which i never have) than coding.

at the end of day, i was not at all productive cus i hate studying (has exams in the last week of this month), i spend almost all day just watching random coding/developing related videos, listening to songs and some random things, i also tried to make a static web app using astro in afternoon and got frustrated af (cursed astro a lot for crashing the dev server every time i made an error).

what i want to say is burnout sucks and i don't even understand it, getting a burnout while doing something which you like to do is so weird. but again it's not like i have a magical potion to cure it so i would just go with the flow for now, it should be gone soon (hopefully).